New Delhi: Terming same-sex marriage as an “attack on family system”, Muslim organisation Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind filed a plea in the Supreme Court opposing petitions demanding legal recognition to the practice, news agency ANI reported.

“Concept of same-sex marriage will attack family system. Among Muslims, marriage is a sacred contract leading to the union of a biological man and a biological woman. Invoking principle of constitutional morality to justify same-sex marriage based on the fact that in some parts of the world this practice is legal, can be very harmful to social order of the other part,” the Muslim outfit said.

“The concept of marriage between two opposite sexes is like basic feature of the concept of marriage itself which leads to the creation of a bundle of rights (maintenance, inheritance, guardianship, custody). By these petitions, petitioners are seeking to dilute the concept of marriage, a stable institution, by introducing a free-floating system by introducing the concept of same-sex marriage,” the application further said.

This came days after a group of former judges issued a statement urging those demanding legal recognition of same-sex marriage to refrain from doing so in the “interest of the society”.

"We respectfully urge the conscious members of the society including those who are pursuing the issue of same-sex marriage In Supreme Court to refrain from doing so in the best interest of Indian society and culture," read the statement released by the judges.

"Marriage in India is a socio-religious sacramental union, not only between two individuals but between two families. It is evident since times immemorial, that the purpose of marriage is not confined only to physical intimacy of partners but goes far beyond and is indispensable for the growth of society by way of procreation of progeny. Unfortunately, certain versed interest groups having no knowledge and regard of the civilization and importance of marriage have approached the Court praying for legalisation of same-sex marriage. Any attempt at weakening a time tested institution should be opposed vociferously by the society, the statement further read."