New Delhi: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday briefed the media after the cabinet meeting and said that the government will not tolerate any incident of violence or harassment against the medical professional.

Doctors, nurses, medical staff, police, and many other essential service providers who are working despite the risk of Coronavirus pandemic have been honored as 'Corona Warriors' by Prime Minister Modi. However, in the past few weeks, many cases have been reported in the nation where these frontline fighters against the Coronavirus were ruthlessly assaulted.

The minister sternly made clear no incident of violence or harassment, against them, will be tolerated. Concerning this, an ordinance has been brought in and it'll be implemented after President's sanction.

The Central Government has brought an ordinance to end violence against the health workers which carries imprisonment from 6 months to 7 years if anyone found guilty.

The amendment to be made to Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, and Ordinance will be implemented.

The minister said such crime will now be cognizable & non-bailable. The investigation will be done within 30 days. The accused can be sentenced from 3 months-5 yrs & penalized from Rs 50,000 up to Rs 2 Lakh.

Javadekar stated in the case of grievous injuries, the accused can be sentenced from 6 months to 7 years. They can be penalized from Rs 1 Lakhs to Rs 5 Lakhs.

WATCH REPORT| Imprisonment Of Up To 7 Years For Attacking Health Workers: Javadeka

The Union Minister said if the damage is done to the vehicles or clinics of healthcare workers, then a compensation amounting to twice the market value of the damaged property will be taken from the accused

He also said the health briefings will now be reduced to 4 days a week, press releases, and Cabinet briefing on alternate days.

Although no decision has been taken yet on the resumption of flight operations. An announcement will be made on time as to when it will be resumed, the minister added.

The number of lives claimed by the Covid-19 Coronavirus in India escalated sharply to 640 on Wednesday morning, with the total tally of positive cases rapidly nearing the 20,000 mark.