New Delhi: In a very shocking incident, a person lost his life amid Muharram processions in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh; after a high voltage wire came in contact with him. 9 other people got severely injured due to the same.

The ceremony had to be halted after the incident as the enraged group of people blamed the department of electricity for leaving a wire naked. The roads in Allahabad were thereafter blocked and slogans were raised.

The incident took place at a distance of 40 kms from the city. The condition of 5 of the injured people is very sensitive.

How and why is Muharram celebrated?

Ashoora-e-Muharram is being observed in various parts of the country today. The day marks the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Mohammed and his companions, who laid down their lives for upholding truth, righteousness and justice in Karbala.

Tazia processions are being taken out to mark the occasion. Majaalis or religious meetings highlighting the supreme sacrifice of Karbala Martyrs are also being held.