New Delhi: With the cases of the novel coronavirus on the decline across the globe, many nations are opening their gates for travellers yet again but with several rules and regulations in place.

The Indians, who wish to travel abroad, need to keep various guidelines in mind as several nations have formulated their own specific set of restrictions and quarantine rules.


The UK has placed India on the “red list” of nations whose residents are barred from entering the country at the moment. No fresh visas are being issued to the Indians for travelling to the UK. Even those who have long-term visas cannot go to the UK directly from India and must travel to one of the countries which are on the “green list” and spend at least 10 days there before travelling to the country.

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The unvaccinated travellers from India will have to produce a negative RT-PCR test report on arrival, which has been taken within 72 hours prior to arrival. The travellers from India will also have to show proof of invitation from a government-authorised travel agency.


Germany had last month classified India from ‘virus variant country’ to ‘high incidence area’. The Indian travellers, who are fully vaccinated or who can show proof of recovering from the virus, will not be required to isolate themselves on their arrival or return to Germany, as per their latest rules.


Egypt has mandated that travellers from countries with cases of Delta variant, including those from India, will have to undergo a rapid test on arrival. All travellers will have to undergo a 15-minute DNA test called ID NOW before entering the country.


The UAE has allowed tourist visas to the Indian passport holders, who have not been to the country in the last 14 days. The approval comes as the UAE is slowly opening up its arrivals. All will have to undergo a polymerase chain reaction test on the day of arrival and on the ninth day after arrival in the country.

However, there are also some exceptions made for certain officials which include the heads of state, officials and bureaucrats on diplomatic missions, those on international student visas and flights under the Vande Bharat Mission.


Canada too extended the suspension of flight operations from India till August 21. Canada has said it will open for people from all countries fully vaccinated with recognised jabs from September 7. The Indian travellers, who have to fly to Canada in this period, will have to book a flight via an ‘indirect route’.

As per the revised official travel advisory, Canada will not accept the Covid-19 molecular test report from India. The travellers will, therefore, have to get themselves tested for the coronavirus in a ‘third country’ before they continue their journey to Canada.


The flights between Maldives and India have been operating since July 15 as the island nation eased travel restrictions. The travellers are, however, required to carry a negative Covid-19 PCR test report.


The travellers from India arriving in Qatar will have to undergo compulsory hotel quarantine, tweeted the official handle of the Indian Embassy in Doha on July 30.

“New travel guidelines for Qatar to come into effect from 1200 noon Doha time from 2 August, with compulsory hotel quarantine reintroduced for visitors from India and some other countries,” the Indian Embassy in Doha posted.


The travellers from India will be required to carry a negative Covid-19 report that must be taken 48 hours before the time of departure for visiting Serbia.

Countries where compulsory quarantine is mandatory:

A majority of the nations, which have now opened to the Indian travellers, have made it mandatory to undergo a period of compulsory quarantine after entering their borders. The countries include Montenegro, Bahrain, Qatar, Rwanda, Barbados, Bermuda, Mexico, Turkey and Panama.

Countries that do not mandate quarantine:

There are, however, several other nations, including Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Armenia, the Maldives, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Zambia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Iceland, Costa Rica, Serbia, Equador, Paraguay, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Guyana and Honduras, that do not mandate compulsory quarantine on arrival for the Indian visitors.