New Delhi: After the nominations process ended on Tuesday, the AAP hit the campaign trail again with the ruling party planning another Arvind Kejriwal's town hall plus roadshows and rallies. Speaking to media, AAP Delhi chief Gopal Rai said Kejriwal would participate in a roadshow in Burari assembly at 9 am on Wednesday which will conclude at Adarsh Nagar. Other party leaders have already started public meetings from Tuesday.

Rai said Kejriwal would hold eight town halls between January 23 and 30.

"The top AAP leaders will regularly hold public gatherings across Delhi besides foot marches and roadshows. Now that the nomination process is over, we have started our public campaign again," he said.

Party's Manish Sisodia started his public meeting from Jungpura and Kalkaji, while Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh held public meetings at Laxmi Nagar and Vishwas Nagar. Rai held the meetings at Rajinder Nagar and Hari Nagar Vidhan Sabha constituencies.

"All three of us will regularly hold public gatherings across Delhi. We will enter the last leg of the campaign with public gatherings, padyatras and roadshows" said Rai.

He said Kejriwal will hold a roadshow on Wednesday evening too, "that will begin from Krishana Nagar and end at Shahdara. From Wednesday, Kejriwal takes charge of the election campaign through roadshows."

From January 23 onwards, Rai added, town hall meetings are scheduled.

"On January 23, the town hall will be held at Siri Fort Auditorium. From then on, till January 30, seven more town hall sessions will be conducted. The roadshows and public meetings will continue alongside."

Also, a door to door campaign will be conducted, during which our volunteers will present Arvind Kejriwal's Guarantee Card to every household in Delhi, said Rai.

The AAP is creating a separate plan for candidates as well, which will focus on two aspects -- nukkad sabha (street corner meetings) and padyatra (foot marches).

"The last phase of our election campaign will be a three-tier one -- by Arvind Kejriwal and other leaders, second by our candidates and the third, by our volunteers. We hope the commitment and dedication with which Arvind Kejriwal has worked for the people will stand us in good stead. We are confident we will achieve our target of 67+ seats."

Polls are due for the 70-member Delhi Assembly on February 8.