New Delhi: Chief Ministers of Delhi and Punjab were seen indulging in a Twitter debate over the out-of-control pollution level in the national capital and parts of Northern India.

Where on one hand Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal blamed crop burning by farmers, Punjab CM said that the state has no money to compensate farmers for stubble management.


Taking to his Twitter account Amrinder Singh on Thursday said, “Situation is serious but Punjab helpless as problem is widespread & state has no money to compensate farmers for stubble management”.


Amrinder further added saying he understands the severity of the problem but it the matter requires centre government’s intervention. “It is not a matter for inter-state discussion, that won’t help. It requires central govt intervention, at the earliest” CM said.

In another tweet he said, “Share your concern over stubble burning and pollution @ArvindKejriwal, Centre alone can solve the problem given its national implications.”

NGT also heard the matter on Thursday and lashed out at the government. “All the constitutional authorities and statutory bodies measurably failed to perform their duties. So far pollution is the concern, it is a joint responsibility of all the stakeholders" said NGT

NGT also said vehicles more than 10 years, in case of diesel and 15 years in case of petrol, should be prohibited to enter Delhi. The Tribunal also says "ban trucks carrying construction materials in Delhi-NCR"

It further questioned Delhi Government why isn’t it sprinkling water via choppers to settle the dust?

Earlier in an interview MoS (Environment) Mahesh Sharma had refused to permit Delhi Government for using aerial methods for sprinkling water on roads to settle dust saying, “It is practically not possible”.

In another statement made by the minister after NGT order, he said “This matter shouldn't be politicized; it is the time for everyone to come together and fight this problem”.