Srinagar-based 15 Corps of Indian Army tweeted from its official handle, “General Bipin Rawat, #COAS along with #ArmyCdrNC & #ChinarCorpsCdr reviewed security situation in #Kashmir; lauded exemplary commitment & high morale of troops & cdrs. Emphasised on Inter-Agency synergy. Later, called on Hon'ble Governor of J&K and apprised him of overall security."
As per news agency IANS, a senior army officer said it was a routine meeting to review security scenario in the valley.
The meeting assumes significance as it comes days after the Union home ministry cleared deployment of additional 10,000 paramilitary troopers for Jammu & Kashmir.
The movement of additional troops into the valley is variously presumed to be a precursor to the abrogation of Article 35A and Assembly elections. The state is under the President's rule.
Rawat's meeting with the governor is expected to add fuel to the speculations.
Gen Rawat arrived in Srinagar on a two-day visit to the Valley to review the prevailing security situation, a defence spokesman said.
He said the chief of Army staff, accompanied by Northern Army Commander Lt Gen Ranbir Singh and Chinar Corps Commander Lt Gen KJS Dhillon, visited the formations and units deployed in the hinterland in north Kashmir.
Gen Rawat, the spokesman said, was briefed by the local commanders on the existing security situation and the measures instituted to ensure close coordination with all government agencies towards maintaining vigil and peace in the valley.
(with inputs from agencies)