New Delhi: Army chief Bipin Rawat will be on his maiden US visit for five days from Tuesday, agencies reported. During the visit which will extend till Friday, Rawat led delegation will interact with senior military hierarchy of US Armed Forces with an aim to take forward the military to military cooperation.  He is expected to discuss ways of strengthening cooperation between the two countries, so as to tackle Pakistan supported terror activities in the region.

General Rawat’s US visit holds strong significance as it comes at a time when India and Pakistan are experiencing a strained relation, in the aftermath of February 14 Pulwama attack and following IAF strike in Balakot.

During his visit, the Army Chief who had completed a course from American Army War College,  will be inducted in the hall of fame.

As per the Army officials, he will hold important discussions on counter terrorism cooperation with the US.

It is expected that the Army Chief will broach up the topic of Pakistan aided terror activities by outfits including Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Taiba, of which India has long been a victim.

After India's aerial strikes in Balakot in the Aftermath of the Pulwama terror attack, American Special Forces Commander General Raymond Thomas had met General Rawat in New Delhi and discussed regional security.

In the second week of March, Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale also visited US and met with US State Secretary Mike Pompeo. Gokhale discussed with the Trump administration foreign policy and security-related developments, following the aftermaths of Pulwama attack.