AP Police Constable Answer Key 2019: Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) has released the preliminary answer keys of SCT Police Constable in various departments on official website - slprb.ap.gov.in. The answer keys are out for the written exams that were conducted for the posts of SCT Police Constables in Police department, warders in Prisons and correctional services department and firemen in state fire and emergency services department.

The examination was held on January 6, 2019. Candidates who have appeared in any of these exams can visit the official site to download the answer key. According to the official link, "The objections can be addressed in the following format only to e-mail id:apslprb.obj@gmail.com . Hence, the objections submitted in the any other format will not be considered."

AP Police Constable Answer Key 2019: How to check

Step 1) Log on to the official website - slprb.ap.gov.in
Step 2) Click on the relevant link to in the latest news section to check answer keys
Step 3) Check the answer keys and look for discrepancies
Step 4) Raise objections, if any

A write-up has been provided on the official website for raising the objection/s. A prescribed format and the email address for sending the objection has been given in the write-up. The candidates need to submit their objection on or before January 10, by 8 pm.

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