The Tamil Nadu Assembly witnessed a dramatic session on Wednesday as AIADMK members raised a Call Attention Motion to debate the alleged sexual assault of a student of Anna University at the premises of the educational institution. In a show of protest, AIADMK MLAs wore black shirts as they accused the DMK government of failing to act swiftly in the matter.

The opposition parties have continued to press the ruling government for justice amplifying their demand for immediate action in light of the serious allegations.

During the session, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin addressed the issue and expressed his condemnation of the assault while carefully avoiding naming the university involved. Stating that he would not name the institution, MK Stalin said, "Members have spoken here by mentioning one University's name. But I don't want to mention that name and don't want to defame that name. With that emotion, I am leaving aside that name."

Further, he said that no one could accept what had happened to a student in Chennai and sexual assault on a student is cruel.

CM Stalin said, "Legislature members have spoken here on the issue. Except one, all have spoken here with real concern. This one member has spoken to show this government in a bad light...This government has only one intention: to stand with the victim and get legal justice. After the crime, if the accused was not arrested immediately or if the accused was saved, government could have been blamed. Even after arresting the accused within a short period of time and collecting evidence, blaming the government only has political benefits."

The CM requested the Opposition to provide evidence if they have any to the SIT investigating the case. CM MK Stalin said, "Don't indulge in cheap activities for short-term political benefits. This government has an iron fist on crimes against women. With this one incident, many are trying to show that women are unsafe. Definitely, this won't work among people."