Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan conducted a detailed inspection at Kakinada Port uncovering alleged widespread illegal transportation of Public Distribution System (PDS) rice on Friday. Calling it a “well-organised mafia operation,” the Deputy CM warned of grave consequences for national security if immediate action is not taken.

Highlighting the scale of the issue, Pawan Kalyan stated, "Kakinada Port has become a center for smuggling PDS rice. Around 1000 to 1100 trucks arrive daily at the port, making it a critical hub for rice exports. The mafia has taken advantage of the port's infrastructure to smuggle ration rice to foreign countries, primarily African nations."

"Despite the port’s significance, it has only 16 security personnel. With over 1,000 trucks entering daily, proper inspections are impossible. The lack of adequate security is alarming, raising concerns about both illegal activities and national security," he said.

The Deputy CM revealed that ration rice, subsidised at Rs 43.50 per kilogram to support the poor, is being sold illegally in African markets at Rs 72–Rs 74 per kilogram, causing significant financial losses to the Indian government.

During his inspection, Pawan Kalyan attempted to board a ship, Stella L, which was carrying 640 tonnes of illegal ration rice bound for South Africa. However, he was obstructed by port officials, who cited “rough sea conditions”.

Expressing his concern, Pawan Kalyan said, “This is a mafia accustomed to organized crime. Tomorrow, this could lead to threats to national security. They might not hesitate to bring in explosives like RDX or facilitate terrorist infiltration to destabilize the nation. Today, I witnessed firsthand the strength of this mafia. Even as the Deputy Chief Minister, I was obstructed from inspecting a vessel carrying smuggled PDS rice in the open sea.”

The Deputy CM announced that strict action under the Preventive Detention (PD) Act would be taken against those involved in smuggling. To address the gravity of the situation, a letter will be sent to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, requesting a thorough inquiry, potentially by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or the Crime Investigation Department (CID). The final decision on the investigative agency will be made during a Cabinet meeting.