New Delhi: The most awaited results of Class 10 board examinations conducted by Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh (BSEAP) are likely to be declared on Thursday, May 5 2016.

The Andhra Pradesh SSC exams were held between March 26, 2016 and 4th April, 2016.

Students who appeared for BSEAP Class 10th Examination for session year 2015-16 will be able to check their results on boards official website or on

Board of Secondary Education Andhra Pradesh is the Directorate Board of Government Examination established in the year 1953 mainly for providing best quality secondary education in the state. It is the only board constituted to the state of Andhra Pradesh after the state reorganization from Telangana State.

Follow these simple steps to check your results: 

1: Access the Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh official website: or

3: Enter your details such as roll number and other required details in the respected fields.

4: Click on 'Submit'

4: Your results will be flashed on the screen.