Jodhpur, Rajasthan: Heavy rain has lashed the city of Jodhpur leading to massive water-logging, and in-turn flooding the whole city. The situation was extreme that thing ranging from vehicles and people could be seen flowing in the water.

Amid the floods, a doctor who was riding on bike, got washed away with the water and went missing. A hunt was organised to search him and the search operations were on for the whole night. But, the doctor has not been found yet.

Jodhpur drowns in heavy rain

In a ruckus that was created by an-hour-long rain, various people were seen flowing with two-wheelers; whereas the rest came for their rescue and tried to save them.

It is surprising to see that only an hour long rain washed out the whole city raising several questions on the drainage system as there are no proper vents to drain out the rain water.

A situation like this is not new for Jodhpur, as such scenes can be witnessed there every time there is a rainfall.

In spite of the fact, the government has done nothing so far to fix the drainage system.