NEW DELHI: The organiser of the Dussehra event in Amritsar, during which at least 62 people were mowed down by a train, on Monday appeared in a video and claimed he had taken all the permissions required to hold the Ravana effigy burning programme at a ground near Joda Phatak in Amritsar. Saurabh Madan alias Mithu, who is still on the run, said he had even alerted the crowd not to stand on railway tracks.

"We organised the event to bring people together and have taken all the permissions from concerned authorities. A boundary was also erected at the ground to conduct the programme. We have made all the necessary arrangements from fire brigade vehicles to water tankers," Madan, who appeared to be crying in the video, said.

"The event was held inside the boundaries and not on tracks. There was also a 10ft wall at the ground. Those who were standing on the tracks had no clue about the train and were mowed down. We alerted the crowd 10 times not to stand there. I am extremely pained at the incident. There's no fault of mine," he said.

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Claiming innocence, Madan said some people who have personal enmity with him were trying to blame him for the mishap. "I request all with folded hands not to frame me for the incident," he said.

The video message by the organiser comes a day after the loco pilot while claiming innocence said he sounded horn and applied emergency breaks after seeing the crowd on the track. "Even after I applied emergency breaks, some people were hit by the train. When it was slowing down and about to halt, people started pelting stones at the train. Concerned about security of the passengers, I moved the train to the next station, where I informed the officials about the accident," the driver had said.

On Friday, a 700 strong crowd watching a huge Ravan effigy go up in flames on near railway tracks at Joda Phatak in Amritsar when the Jalandhar-Amritsar DMU passenger train heading to Hoshiarpur from Amritsar came hurtling down around 7 p.m. In just 10-15 seconds it left behind a heap of crushed and dismembered bodies. At least 62 people were killed in the accident.