New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday, in a letter to Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi, assured him that he would "personally look into" allegations against AAP's alleged ties with pro-Khalistan outfit Sikhs for Justice (SFJ).

The letter comes after the Punjab CM wrote to Amit Shah alleging that AAP was in touch with the banned organisation. 

Channi claimed that he had received a letter by Sikh for Justice (SFJ) that shows that the group was in constant touch with the AAP.

Channi claimed that in the SFJ letter, it was mentioned that it had given its support to AAP in the assembly elections in Punjab in 2017 and similarly in these polls too.

"The Government of India is taking this issue seriously and I will personally look into the matter in depth," Amit Shah said in the letter to Channi.

"As per your letter, a political party being in contact with and seeking support from an anti-national, separatist and banned outfit during elections is a serious matter in the context of national security," the Home Minister said.

"The agenda of such people is no different from the agenda of the nation's enemies. It is condemnable that some people, in order to attain power, can go to the extent of teaming up with separatists and hurting the unity of Punjab and the country," the letter further said.

Channi had also asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to order a probe into former AAP leader Kumar Vishwas' allegations that Arvind Kejriwal was supporting separatists during the campaign for the Punjab election.

Earlier this week, a video of Vishwas alleging that Kejriwal hobnobbed with the separatist elements during 2017 Punjab Assembly polls went viral.

"One day, he (Mr Kejriwal) told me he would either become CM (of Punjab) or first PM of an independent nation (Khalistan)... he wants power at any cost," Vishwas says in the video.

READ | Asked To Stay Out Of Punjab Election: Kumar Vishwas Claims Threat To Life

Following the charges, Kejriwal has been under relentless attack from both the Congress and the BJP.

Reacting to the allegations levelled against him, Chief Minister Kejriwal on Friday said that he was the world's "sweetest terrorist" who builds hospitals.

"All these corrupt people are calling me a terrorist. I am the first terrorist of the world who builds schools, hospitals, fixes electricity problems. I am the world's first 'sweet' terrorist," Kejriwal tweeted. 

"The British used to fear Bhagat Singh and that is why he was called a terrorist. I am a disciple of Bhagat Singh," he said.

Punjab goes to polls on February 20.