New Delhi: Amid the ongoing political crisis in Congress Punjab unit, former state CM Captain Amarinder Singh on Wednesday evening met Union Home Minister Amit Shah at his residence in the national capital. The meeting further fueled speculations of the former joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). 

However, hours after the power-packed meeting, Singh's media advisor said that the two leaders discussed the prolonged agitation by farmers against the Centre's three farm laws.

Even Singh, after his 45-minute long meeting with BJP slatwart, tweeted: "Met Union Home Minister Amit Shahji in Delhi. Discussed the prolonged farmers' agitation against #FarmLaws & urged him to resolve the crisis urgently with the repeal of the laws & guarantee MSP, besides supporting Punjab in crop diversification. #NoFarmersNoFood 

However, several experts believe that the politically significant meeting can be a big reason to worry for Congress which is already undergoing massive turmoil in poll-bound Punjab. 

Singh resigned as Chief Minister of Punjab after accusing the Congress of humiliating him.

Earlier, there were reports that an upset Amarinder Singh is likely to meet Shah, but Singh's office denied the claims. Sources close to news agency IANS said that both the leaders discussed several issues, including national security, farmers' agitation and the current political situation in Punjab.

There are speculations that Singh may join the saffron party or float his own outfit ahead of Punjab Assembly polls which will take place in early 2022.

The BJP has already welcomed Captain, saying he is a nationalist and all nationalists are welcomed in the party.

"Amarinder Singh is nationalist to the core and he always stood for nationalist issues. Apart from his political agenda, he always stood for nationalist issues. All nationalists are welcome to meet the Home Minister. On one hand, the Congress has insulted a nationalist solider and on the other, it inducted a member of 'tukde tukde gang'. Our doors are open for all the nationalists," BJP national spokesperson R.P. Singh said.

Meanwhile, Congress has too reacted to Singh-Shah meeting, with Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala alleging that Amit Shah's residence has become the centre of anti-Dalit politics.

In a series of tweets in Hindi, he said, "the arrogance of the those sitting in power has been hurt. Because if a Dalit is made the Chief Minister, then they ask who is making the decisions in the Congress."

Sources close to news agency PTI has even said that the former Punjab CM is learnt to have also discussed the internal security situation in Punjab with Shah.

Singh has been claiming that instability in Punjab may give Pakistan a handle to create disturbance in the border state.

He has also accused Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu of being "close to (Pakistani Prime Minister) Imran Khan" and alleged that he is 'dangerous' for a state that shares border with a notorious neighboring country.