Chief justices have been appointed to six high courts, including the Allahabad and Rajasthan High Courts, as announced on Friday. Acting Chief Justice Manindra Mohan Shrivastava of the Rajasthan High Court has been appointed as its chief justice. Simultaneously, Justice Ritu Bahri, who served as the Acting Chief Justice of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, has been appointed as the chief justice of the Uttarakhand High Court.
Moreover, Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh, a distinguished judge of the Patna High Court, has been elevated to the position of chief justice of the Orissa High Court. Justice Vijay Bishnoi, hailing from the Rajasthan High Court, will now assume the role of chief justice of the Gauhati High Court. Similarly, Justice Arun Bhansali, also from the Rajasthan High Court, has been appointed as the chief justice of the Allahabad High Court.
Madras High Court judge S Vaidyanathan has been elevated to the position of chief justice of the Meghalaya High Court.
These appointments were made based on the recommendations put forth by the Supreme Court collegium on November 2 last year. Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal formally announced these appointments in a post on X.
With Justice Ritu Bahri set to take the oath as the chief justice of the Uttarakhand High Court, two out of the 25 high courts in the country will now be headed by women. Justice Sunita Agrawal already heads the Gujarat High Court.
Earlier this week, Justice P S Dinesh Kumar was appointed as the chief justice of the Karnataka High Court on Wednesday. However, his tenure is expected to be brief, concluding on February 24, as he is set to retire. Justice Kumar currently serves as the acting chief justice, succeeding Justice P B Varale, who was recently elevated as a judge of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court Collegium, in recommending Justice P S Dinesh Kumar's elevation, emphasized his distinguished service to the High Court of Karnataka. Recognizing the brevity of his tenure, the Collegium resolved to recommend his appointment as the Chief Justice of the High Court of Karnataka in accordance with the Memorandum of Procedure.
It's worth noting that while Supreme Court judges retire at the age of 65, high court judges retire at 62. Despite this, judges with relatively short tenures have been appointed as chief justices of high courts in the recent past.
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