The Allahabad High Court judge, Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav, who voiced support for the proposal of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) at a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) event, had earlier advocated for making cow protection a fundamental right for Hindus.

According to a report by Times of India, Justice Yadav and Justice Dinesh Pathak were two invitees to the provincial convention of VHP's legal cell held in Kashi. However, Justice Dinesh Pathak did not attend the event held in Sundau at the library hall of the High Court.

According to the VHP, the gathering aimed to engage the legal community on key issues, including the UCC, amendments to the Waqf Board Act, and freeing temples from government control.

UCC Seeks To Promote Social Harmony, Gender Equality, And Secularism: Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav

Justice Yadav said in the gathering in Allahabad that the UCC seeks to promote social harmony, gender equality, and secularism by replacing varied personal laws with a uniform legal framework for all communities. "The aim is to replace various personal laws that currently govern personal matters within different religious communities, ensuring uniformity of laws not only between communities but within a community," he added.

In September 2021, Justice Yadav sparked debate by calling for the cow to be declared India's national animal, arguing that harm to cultural and religious beliefs weakens the nation. This remark was made during a case concerning cow slaughter. "When culture and faith are hurt, the country becomes weak," he remarked.

As per the report by Live and Law, Justice Yadav, in the order written in Hindi, enthusiastically described several virtues of the cow emphasised that it deserved to be the national animal. "Scientists believe that cow is the only animal which inhales and exhales oxygen", Justice Yadav observed in the order.

"Panchgavya, which is made of cow milk, curd, ghee, urine, and cow dung, helps in the treatment of several incurable diseases", the judge added. He further underlined that it is a tradition in India to use ghee of cow milk during yajna as "this gives special energy to sunrays, which ultimately causes rains".

VHP co-convener Abhishek Atrey stirred further controversy at the Allahabad event by comparing the situation in Bangladesh to turmoil in Kashmir. "Bangladesh appears to be another Kashmir. We have to stay united to protect our identity," he stated.

VHP's international president, Alok Kumar, said the organisation plans to engage advocates and judges nationwide by March 2025 to spread awareness about the UCC, amendments to the Waqf Act of 1995, and the repeal of the Mussalman Wakf Act of 1923. The push for the UCC aligns with the right-wing agenda of implementing uniform laws for all citizens, regardless of religion.

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