New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday hit back at Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury over his remark calling her ‘Nirbala’ and said all the BJP women are “Sabla” (strong).
She said two members in the Cabinet Committee on Security in the previous BJP-led government were women and women in the Cabinet were given "good portfolios".
"Not so much talking as woman, I am Nirmala and will remain so .. We will remain Sabla. In our party, all are Sabla," she said adding that there was no question of being 'Nirbala'.
During a debate on the Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury had called her Nirbala Sitharaman and said that she could not speak her mind despite being a union minister.
Sitharaman responded to Chowdhury's remark at the end of her reply to the debate on the Bill.
Earlier, Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs Anurag Singh Thakur slammed Chowdhury for his remarks and asked him to withdraw them.
He said the Congress leader had raised questions over the capabilities of women on a day when the House had talked about the need of ensuring their security and respect.
"There can be a slip of tongue once. If he has a sense of regret, he should express it," he said.
He said the Congress member can express his disagreement with the government on policies but cannot make such remarks.
'All Women In BJP Are Strong,' Sitharaman Dismisses Adhir Ranjan's 'Nirbala' Remark
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
02 Dec 2019 08:48 PM (IST)
Sitharaman said two members in the Cabinet Committee on Security in the previous BJP-led government were women and women in the Cabinet were given "good portfolios".
The Company Law Committee submitted a report on steps needed to be taken to further decriminalise the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
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