New Delhi: It is yet to be asserted if 2.5 year old girl brutally murdered in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh underwent sexual harassment. As per the police, the same will be clear after the reports of forensic labs are out. The incident has however left the entire nation fuming in anger and the same was reflected via candle marches which were organized in different parts of the country, seeking justice for the little soul.

The mutilated body of the girl was found in a garbage dump on June 2, 100 meters close to her residence in Tappal Township. The toddler had gone missing on May 30. The mutilated body was discovered after a pack of stray dogs had been spotted biting what appeared to be human body parts. One of her hands was also seen disfigured.

Police in its initial probe said the killing was fallout of a monetary dispute. As per reports, the girl’s father had lent Rs 40,000 to the two accused Zahid and Aslam and got into a heated argument with them for not being able to repay the full amount on time. This enraged the two accused, who then plotted the murder of the little girl to teach her father a lesson.

"In the post-mortem report, the cause of death is ante-mortem injuries. Post-mortem examination has not found any sign of sexual assault or acid being used for the crime. The report confirmed death due to strangulation," Senior Superintendent of Police Akash Kulhari said.

Kulhari said that in view of the gravity of the crime, proceedings have begun to charge the two arrested accused under the stringent National Security Act. He said a process has also started to follow this case through a fast track court.

The victim's father has demanded that other family members of the accused be arrested as the crime could not have been carried out without their knowledge.

He threatened that he would start a fast unto death from if no further arrests were made.