Day after National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval said that India would not have partitioned if Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose had been there, Congress has said that Doval has joined the tribe of 'Distorians’. In a tweet, party MP Jairam Ramesh said that Bose had challenged Mahatma Gandhi and that he was a leftist and secular leader. On the question of partition if Bose had been alive then, Ramesh said that it is a ‘contrafactual question’. 

This comes after NSA Doval delivered the first Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose memorial lecture organised by the industry chamber ASSOCHAM on Saturday. During his address, Doval said that Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose had the audacity to fearlessly challenge the British and India would not have been partitioned if he was there at that time, as reported by PTI. 

He further said that Bose was determined to fight the British for India's Independence and never wanted to beg for freedom, adding he not only wanted to end political subjugation but felt that the political, social, economic and cultural mindset of the people has to be changed and "they should feel like free birds in the sky". 

Reacting to this, Jairam Ramesh took to Twitter and said, "Mr. Ajit Doval who doesn’t speak much has now joined the tribe of Distorians.  

1. Did Netaji challenge Gandhi? Of course he did.  

2. Was Netaji a leftist? Of course he was.  

3. Was Netaji secular? Of course staunchly and stoutly so." 

He added, " 4. Would Partition not have happened if Netaji was alive then? Who can say because by 1940 Netaji had formed the Forward Bloc. You can have opinions on this but it is a contrafactual question. " 

Ramesh then talked about Bengal partition and said, "One thing Mr. Doval did not say. The man who championed Partition of Bengal was Shyama Prasad Mukerjee in the face of strong opposition from Sarat Chandra Bose, Netaji's elder brother." 

"I am sending Mr. Doval a copy of Rudrangshu Mukherjee's fine book of 2015, Parallel Lives. He should at least sniff some REAL history," the Congress leader concluded.