New Delhi: After being pulled up by NGT on Thursday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal put the blame on neighbouring states for deteriorating air quality in the national capital.

"Until state governments don't find economically viable solutions to crop burning it will not stop," said Delhi CM.

"If everyone, central government, UP, Punjab and Haryana government, come together and put aside politics a solution can be found," he added.

Talking about odd-even rule CM said-"Decision on Odd-Even formula will be taken by today or tomorrow, if need arises".

Meanwhile, alarmed over life threatening high level pollution in Delhi-NCR, NHRC issued notices to the Centre and Governments of Punjab and Haryana on their action plan to tackle it.

Commenting on air pollution in NCR region, MoS Environment, Mahesh Sharma said-"This matter shouldn't be politicised, it is the time for everyone to come together and fight this problem".

On Thursday, National Green Tribunal (NGT) has pulled up Delhi Government, Municipal Corporations and neighbouring states and asked them to see the "pitiable condition of people in hospitals" and the way their lives are being played with.

NGT was responding to hazardous smog condition prevailing in the national capital region (NCR).

NGT observed, "It is shameful for all the parties in this matter on what they're passing on to the next generation".

"Even construction work taking place openly isn't being stopped, and when such a situation has ensued now action is being promised".NGT further slammed neighboring states of Delhi & raised question on their seriousness on the grievous situation," Tribunal added.

"All the constitutional authorities and statutory bodies measurably failed to perform their duties. So far pollution is the concern, it is a joint responsibility of all the stakeholders" said NGT.

(With inputs from agencies)