Air India Flight AI143, en route from Delhi to Paris, had to perform an air return shortly after takeoff on Friday. After Delhi Air Traffic Control (ATC) relayed information to the flight crew about suspected tyre debris spotted on the runway post-departure, which was later confirmed as a nose wheel tyre burst, the decision was made. As a result, for safety reasons, the plane was forced to return to Delhi. Passengers onboard reported hearing a loud noise and feeling vibrations during the incident. The DGCA confirmed that, despite the tyre burst, the engine parameters remained normal throughout the ordeal.
The flight crew received information from Delhi ATC shortly after the flight took off.
Alert air traffic controllers (ATC) noticed tyre debris on the runway from where the 787 Dreamliner took off as AI 143 at 1.22 PM. They notified the pilots, who safely returned to Delhi about an hour later, an Air India spokesperson said.
"Flight AI143 operating Delhi-Paris on July 28, 2023, air-returned shortly after take-off, following Delhi ATC's information to the flight crew about suspected tyre debris sighted on the runway after departure," the spokesperson was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
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"At 2.18 PM, the plane safely landed back in Delhi. While the aircraft is being inspected in Delhi, alternate transportation arrangements for AI143 passengers are being planned. We regret the inconvenience caused to passengers, but as always, the safety of all on board is Air India’s foremost priority," the spokesperson added.
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