New Delhi: As the agriculture reforms bills continue to be the burning topic of debate,  BJP leaders, one after another are coming in defense of the legislation, in a bid to convince that the farmers will be benefitted by the reforms. Also Read: Amid Nationwide Protests, PM Modi Says, 'Farm Bill Will Act As Raksha Kawach, Forces Are Misleading The Farmers'

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, hailed the bills as historic for the development of farmers, and Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar Narendra Singh Tomar calling it completely farmer friendly. Union Home Minister Amit Shah also supported the bills and called the proposed legislations a path-breaking move of the Modi government, saying these will free the farmers from the clutches of middlemen.

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The Minister said the passage of the landmark agricultural reform Bills in the Lok Sabha on Thursday is an "unprecedented" step in this direction.

In a series of tweets, Shah said these Bills will help farmers overcome obstacles as well as provide them with new avenues to sell their produce, which will increase their incomes.

"These historic and important agricultural reforms of the Modi government will bring a positive transformation in the lives of farmers and make them self-reliant. I convey my heartfelt gratitude to the Prime Minister and Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on the passage of these Bills."

This comes a day after passage of two contentious agriculture-related Bills,  the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020 as well as the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020.

Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Tomar had said earlier that some political parties are unsuccessfully trying to mislead the people of the country by spreading lies.”Agriculture Bill 2020 aims at increasing their income. Identify the lie & support the truth,” he said.

The Lok Sabha passed these Bills even though the opposition members as well as BJP ally Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) termed them "anti-farmer" and some even staged a walkout, while, thousands of farmers in Punjab, Haryana and several other states have been staging protests even since the government on Monday introduced these Bills in the Lok Sabha.