New Delhi: A day after close allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan met where a deal of worth $20bn was signed, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will today be arriving in India. Crown Prince Salman's high-profile visit to Islamabad comes in the midst of heightened tensions between India and Pakistan following one of the worst terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir in which 40 CRPF soldiers were killed. The attack was carried out when a JeM suicide bomber rammed a vehicle carrying huge quantities of explosives into a CRPF convoy in Pulwama district last Thursday.

During his visit, India is likely to strongly raise the issue of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman even as the two countries will look at further enhancing defence ties, including having a joint naval exercise, during his two-day visit here beginning Tuesday. Pakistan conferred its highest civilian award Nishan-e-Pakistan on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman for his "outstanding support" in reinvigorating the ties between the two countries.

The Crown Prince who arrived in Islamabad on Sunday at the start of his tour of South Asia has returned to Saudi Arabia on Monday. It is said that New Delhi had reservations over his coming to India from Pakistan. The Crown Prince is expected to travel to China from India.

Ahead of the visit by the Crown Prince, Saudi Arabia's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir said in Islamabad on Monday that Riyadh will try to "de-escalate" tensions between India and Pakistan in the wake of the deadly terror attack in Pulwama by Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad.

Secretary, Economic Affairs in the External Affairs Ministry T S Tirumurti said both sides are expected to sign five agreements in areas of investment, tourism, housing and information and broadcasting during the Saudi leader's visit. Referring to cross border terrorism, he said, "Saudi Arabia has strongly condemned and denounced the terrorist attack on Indian security forces in Pulwama on 14 February. We appreciate Kingdom's cooperation in security and counter terrorism areas over the years."

"India has been identified as one of the eight strategic partners with whom Saudi Arabia intends to deepen partnership in areas of political, security, trade and investment and culture," said Tirumurti.

"As part of this engagement, we are finalizing the setting up of 'Strategic Partnership Council' between the two countries at ministerial level. We are confident that this will give greater thrust to our strategic partnership and take forward our discussions in a focussed and action-oriented manner," he said.

During his visit, the Crown Prince will be accompanied by a high-level official team as well as a large business delegation. Modi will host a lunch in honour of the Crown Prince at Hyderabad House on Wednesday. The Crown Prince will call on President Ram Nath Kovind and he will host a banquet in honour of the visiting dignitary

India's bilateral trade with Saudi Arabia was USD 27.48 billion in 2017-18, making Saudi Arabia its 4th largest trading partner. Saudi Arabia is also a key pillar of India's energy security, being a source of 17 per cent or more of crude oil and 32 per cent of LPG requirements of India.

Recently, Saudi ARAMCO in partnership with ADNOC of UAE has agreed to partner in Ratnagiri Refinery and Petro-Chemical project Ltd which is a joint venture of USD 44 billion. Indian partners are IOC, BPCL and HPCL.

(agency inputs)