This comes after Uttara Bahuguna, the school teacher who was snapped at by the CM for her alleged misbehavior, had claimed that she has only been posted in rural areas of the mountainous state in the last 25 years of her tenure as a teacher. She had said that she first filed an application for transfer to then Chief Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal, who didn’t listen to her and questioned her for reaching out to him. The suspended teacher had also accused the government of being corrupt, making her run from pillar to post but not taking any action.
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School Education Secretary Bhupinder Kaur Aulakh on Friday said the teacher has been suspended as she "violated the decorum". Addressing the media, Aulakh assured that the case will be investigated and the probe team will also listen to the teacher Uttara Bahuguna's version and then take action. ANI quoted Aulakh as saying, "She has been suspended because she violated decorum as a teacher. It will be investigated. We will listen to her and only then will decision be taken. She can be transferred only within the district. Her demand that she be transferred to Dehradun falls under inter-district transfers which, as of now, are not allowed by the Act."
The Chief Minister ordered Uttara Bahuguna's suspension after she allegedly used abusive language and showed indecency while seeking a transfer from a remote location. The School Education Secretary claimed that more than 58 people are posted in remote areas for a longer duration than Bahuguna.