Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu, after praising the Aam Aadmi Party, has now described himself as a loyal Congressman. Earlier in the day, he praised AAP for its vision of working in Punjab, but when the round of discussions started, now in another tweet, he has pointed to himself being a loyal Congressman.

He tweeted on Tuesday, "our opposition is talking about me and other loyal Congressmen - it doesn't matter if you join AAP. If you stay in Congress it will be difficult."

In fact, before this tweet, he had tweeted praising Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party: "Our opposition AAP has always recognized my vision and work for Punjab.

Before 2017 - sacrilege, drugs, farmers issue, corruption and power crisis faced by the people of Punjab and these issues were raised by me, today as I presented the 'Punjab Model', it is clear that they know - who is really fighting for Punjab." 

Before the assembly elections are to be held in Punjab next year, there is a situation of political turmoil in Congress. In recent times, CM Captain Amarinder Singh and Navjot Singh Sidhu have come face to face on many occasions. Navjot Singh Sidhu has also targeted Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh many times.