The Chinese foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Webin on Wednesday asked the US to “stop” its Indo-Pacific strategy, terming it as an attempt to impose American hegemony in the region, and said its border standoff with India in eastern Ladakh is a bilateral issue. ALSO READ | 'CCP Is No Friend To Democracy, Rule Of Law' US Criticises China's Actions Amid Faceoff With India

This comes a day after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo assured India that the US stands firmly with it to confront threats to its sovereignty.

Pompeo’s remarks came after the third edition of the Indo-US dialogue in New Delhi during which the two sides deliberated prominently upon the Sino-India border row and situation in the Indo-Pacific region.

Wenbin told a media briefing here on Wednesday that “the border affairs between China and India are matters between the two countries.” Reacting to the US push for closer defence ties with India.

“Now the situation across the border is generally stable and the two sides are in resolving relevant issues through consultations and negotiations, he said, in apparent reference to the military and diplomatic level talks between India and China to resolve the standoff.

Citing the incident in which the Chinese army killed 20 Indian personnel in Galwan valley of eastern Ladakh, Pompeo while criticizing China said the US stands firmly with India in confronting threats to its sovereignty.

“Our leaders and our citizens see with increasing clarity that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is no friend to democracy, the rule of law transparency…I am glad to say that the US and India are taking steps to strengthen our cooperation against all manner of threats and not just those posed by the Chinese communist party,” Pompeo said.

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Wang sharply criticized the US’ Indo-Pacific concept, saying “the Indo-Pacific strategy proposed by the US is preaching outdated Cold War mentality and preaching confrontation and geopolitical game. It is aimed to uphold the hegemony of the US. This runs counter to the common interest for the region and we urge the US to stop this.”

“In the meantime, any concept for regional development should be in line with the trend of the times for the peaceful development and win-win cooperation, he said.

The Chinese military has been flexing its muscles in the strategically vital Indo-Pacific region and is also engaged in hotly contested territorial disputes in both the South China Sea and the East China Sea.

India, the US, Japan and Australia agreed to step up coordination in creating a free and open Indo-Pacific.