New Delhi: Days after the death of Odisha health minister Naba Kishore Das after being shot in the chest, a 38-year-old mentally challenged man allegedly threatened to kill Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, news agency PTI reported citing police on Tuesday. A 38-year-old mentally challenged man allegedly threatened to kill Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, police said.

According to PTI, the police allegedly received a call about the threat around 12.05 am. The police allegedly received a call about the threat around 12.05 am. No arrest has been made as the man is mentally challenged. 

Last week on Saturday, Odisha health minister Naba Kishore Das was shot in the chest after which he was airlifted for treatment. He later succumbed to the bullet injury.

A crime branch team headed by DSP Ramesh Chandra Dora is leading the investigation into the case. According to the official release, DSP Dora is being assisted by Inspector Jebanananda Jena, Scientific/Ballistic Experts of SFSL Bhubaneswar. The entire team is camping at Brajarajanagar and investigating the case. 

It said that another team headed by DSP Sishir Mishra and staff conducted an investigation at Bhubaneswar including an inquest followed by an autopsy by a team of doctors of Capital Hospital, BBSR after arranging sufficient lighting facility. Videography of the entire process has also been done, it added. 

Apart from this, the investigating team at Bhubaneswar also seized the treatment records and wearing apparel (blood stained clothes) including other biological exhibits. The viscera of Das have also been preserved for further chemical examination and opinion. 

The press note added that the accused ASI Gopal Krushna Das is under police custody and will be forwarded to the Court for further police remand. The Addl DG of Police, CID/Crime Odisha is also camping at the spot and personally monitoring and supervising the investigation of the case, the statement read.