Satna : In a shocking incident, a four-year-old girl was allegedly raped on Sunday in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh and dumped at a secluded place, police said on Monday. The accused has been arrested.
The incident comes days after the incident of brutal gang-rape of a seven-year-old girl in Mandsaur of the state on June 26.
According to the police, the minor was found in a bad shape in Parasmania area of the district. The accused, Mahendra Singh, 23, had taken away the child when she was sleeping in the courtyard of her house.
After committing rape, when Singh felt that the minor had died due to the excesses, he dumped her body at a secluded place close to Unchehara Police Station of Satna district.
As the parents, along with the villagers, started looking for the child, they found her lying in a precarious condition. She was admitted in a nearby hospital. On getting a clue, they caught hold of the accused, who was beaten and handed over to the police.
Satna Superintendent of Police Rajesh Hingankar told reporters that the accused had been arrested and that the incident was being further looked into.
Meanwhile, the condition of Mandsaur rape victim, who is undergoing treatment at an Indore hospital, is said to be improving gradually. She talked to the people with gestures and was able to walk a few steps.
Both accused in the case have been arrested. People are demanding death sentence for the two.
After Mandsaur incident, another minor is raped in Satna of MP
Updated at:
03 Jul 2018 08:49 AM (IST)
A four-year-old girl was allegedly raped on Sunday in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh and dumped at a secluded place
Image only for representational purpose/ PTI/ File
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