While the actress was travelling, she noticed the cop who was manning traffic while standing in knee-deep water. The actor immediately took snaps and tweeted those. Her tweet caught the attention of Punjab government who then honoured the cop along with one of his colleague.
The incident was of Wednesday when Guridhan was handling traffic without being affected by the woes of the weather. In a tweet that later went viral, Gul Panag praised the cop and batted for the availability of proper rain gear for such ‘hard-working’ policemen.
She wrote: "...hard working traffic policemen like this gentleman, would be immensely helped by good rain gear and a pat on the back. This is under the Zirakpur flyover, Patiala Road," she wrote. She shared two pictures of the cop directing traffic while standing in water and tagged CM Amarinder Singh."
After her tweet went viral, Gurdhian Singh and Gurdev Singh were honoured for their work by the Chief Minister of Punjab, Captain Amarinder Singh, and DGP Punjab Suresh Arora.