MUMBAI: In stinging comments against the Opposition parties, which are making efforts to form a coalition to take on the BJP in next year's Lok Sabha polls, BJP president Amit Shah on Friday equating them to 'snakes', 'mongoose', 'dogs' and 'cats'.
"There is a campaign going on that all opposition parties should unite. Whenever there is a massive flood, all snakes, mongooses, cats, dogs, cheetahs, lions etc climb up a huge tree, fearing rising water levels," Amit Shah said.
Shah was addressing a rally here on BJP foundation day.
BJP president's remarks came in the backdrop of Opposition's bid to create a united front to take on the BJP in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi had recently held a dinner with 21 opposition parties at her residence. West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee also held talks with various parties in a bid to form a united front against the BJP and bring together opposition parties on one platform.
Amit Shah also accused the Opposition of not allowing the Budget session of Parliament to function. The session concluded today.
"Prime Minister ensured that the Parliament functions smoothly but the opposition did not let that happen. Today, Parliament was adjourned sine die," Shah said.
During his speech, he insisted that the Modi government had done a lot for all sections of the society and that the BJP will seek to win the 2019 Lok Sabha polls on the basis of work done rather than by making "hollow assurances".
Afraid of 'Modi flood', snakes, mongoose, cats, dogs have united: Shah on Opposition
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
06 Apr 2018 04:44 PM (IST)
In stinging comments against the Opposition parties, which are making efforts to form a coalition to take on the BJP in next year's Lok Sabha polls, BJP president Amit Shah on Friday equating them to 'snakes', 'mongoose', 'dogs' and 'cats'.
Amit Shah was addressing a rally here on BJP foundation day. Photo: (File)
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