Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Friday struck down the sanction accorded by Maharashtra Governor C.V. Rao to prosecute former Chief Minister Ashok Chavan in the Adarsh Society scam.

The main ground for the court's decision was that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) failed to present any fresh evidence against Chavan while seeking the sanction from the Governor to prosecute him.

In February 2016, Governor Rao had granted sanction to prosecute Chavan on various charges including criminal conspiracy, cheating and misuse of powers, in the Adarsh Society scam.

Incidentally, the previous governor K. Sankaranarayanan had declined the sanction in 2013, but after three years it was granted by Rao, which was challenged by Chavan.

Following the revelations in the scam and its political fallout with the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party-Shiv Sena -- which is now ruling the state -- Chavan had resigned as Chief Minister in November 2010.