New Delhi: The Defence Minister Arun Jaitley, on Monday, criticised the attack by the Pakistan Army which violated ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC) this morning in Poonch sector and mutilated the bodies of two Indian soldiers.

"The Act of killing & mutilating the bodies of two of our soldiers is the most reprehensible & barbaric. The sacrifice will not go in vain", he tweeted.

"We have fullest confidence in our Armed forces who will react appropriately", he added.

"This is a reprehensible and inhumane act, such attacks don't even take place during war, let alone peace," Defence Minister Arun Jaitley said reported news agency ANI.

In an "unsoldierly" act, bodies of two Indian soldiers were mutilated by the Pakistan Army which violated ceasefire along the Line of Control this morning in Poonch sector.

Issuing a statement on Twitter, the Indian Army, said, a Border Action Team was launched by Pakistan on a patrol operating between two posts. Two soldiers were killed in unprovoked firing by Pakistan. The Army warned of "appropriate response" for the  "despicable act.

PM Narendra Modi was briefed about the situation.

Three jawans are also said to be injured in the heavy firing.  An army jawan from the JCO, a BSP soldier were killed in the attack.

The ceasefire violation took place around 8:30 AM.  Troops guarding the border line retaliated strongly.

The exchange of fire was stalled till reports last came in. India has repeatedly rejected Pakistan's allegations of rights violations in Kashmir. Pakistan has breached the truce eight times within a month.

A BSF's statement on ceasefire violation by Pakistan read, "A BSF trooper and an army personnel martyred on Jammu LC facing unprovoked Pak fire . They were deployed on an FDL in Mendhar area."