NEW DELHI: A video has surfaced showing a man, believed to be a Nigerian, tied to a pole and being beaten up with sticks by a group of men after he allegedly attempted to burgle their house in south Delhi's Malviya Nagar.

A senior police official said the incident took place on September 24 and the man, who told the police that his name was Ahmed, was arrested. He was in jail.

The police said the men had earlier claimed that Ahmed had sustained injuries after he slipped while trying to make an escape.

Krishna Kumar (54), a resident of Savitri Nagar, had claimed that the man broke into his house and tried to steal valuables from the almirah kept in his room, the police said.

On hearing noises, he woke up and tried to catch hold of Ahmed but he tried to flee using the stairs, they added.

However, he fell down, following which the police were informed and Ahmed was arrested, Kumar claimed.

A video has surfaced in which Ahmed, who is tied to a pole, can be seen being thrashed by Kumar and some other with sticks.

A senior police officer said even though Ahmed had injuries, they were suspected to be because of the fall from the stairs but with the video surfacing now, they were probing the matter.

The officer said Ahmed had claimed that he belongs to Nigeria but did not furnish any documents that could help establish his identity.