New Delhi: An Air Vice Marshal from the Indian Air Force (IAF) headquarters is carrying out a thorough probe into the accidental firing of the tactical BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, which landed in Pakistan earlier on March 9.

ANI reported government sources as saying that the detailed investigation by the Air Force officer (equivalent to Major General in the Army) is still going on.

Sources added that a Group Captain-rank officer is prima facie being seen as blameworthy.

This development comes as the officer concerned was in-charge of the mobile command post of the missile system when the accidental firing took place during a Command Air Staff Inspection (CASI) at its home base.

ALSO READ: India's Missile System Highly Reliable And Safe: Rajnath Singh In Parliament On Accidental Missile Firing

Sources, however, said the investigation would be finalised in a time-bound manner, adding the final details would be known only after its completion.

The Air Vice Marshal probing the incident, as per sources, is highly qualified and is in-charge of operations in the IAF headquarters.

Earlier on March 15, Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said in the Parliament that a high-level probe has been ordered into the incident.

“A missile was unfortunately accidentally launched on March 9. The incident occurred during a routine inspection,” Singh told the Rajya Sabha.

“We later came to know that it had landed in Pakistan,” he added.

Asserting the Indian missile system is extremely trustworthy and secure, Singh further said the Indian armed forces are experienced in handling such systems.

“Our operations, maintenance, and inspections are conducted following a set of standard operating procedures, which are being evaluated. Any laxity found in the safety and security of our weapons systems will be dealt with immediately,” said Singh.

“Our missile system is extremely trustworthy and secure. Our armed forces are experienced in handling such systems,” he added.