New Delhi: Minister of state for Environment, Forest & Climate Change said steps are being taken to expedite environment clearances to ensure that more industries find a way to India at the ‘e- Shikhar Sammelan’,a conclave organised by ABP News.

“India has definitely seen a jump in terms of industrial activities. We are trying best to expedite the environment clearances without any delay. We will announce the measures in the next 15 days,” informs Babul Supriyo.

On being quizzed about the pollution being created by industries, the minister blamed the work ethics of factory owners, “A category of industries will be created. There are situations in which states give consent to operate (CTO) to many factories where immediate environment clearances from State Pollution Control and Central Pollution Board are not required. In those cases, factory owners take it for granted and forget the work ethics.”

In such a situation the minister said imposing fines can prevent factory owners from breaching the environmental norms, especially those who are repeat offenders.

“We are also trying to look at incentives regarding the e-waste disposal”, added Supriyo.

Also Watch: Babul Supriyo explains why state & centre pollution boards lack balance 

Even factory owners have to take the responsibility to ensure that such e-waste disposals are taken care of.  The responsibility is two-way and in case there is a breach then protocol then fines will be imposed to keep a check, added the minister.

On Covid-19 situation in the state, the minister pointed out at the chief minister Mamata Banerjee for suppressing the numbers and saying it has conducted the least number of tests.

Although on being asked about his proximity with the CM he said Mamata is his political opponent and not enemy, but there has to be fear among people in the state about Covid-19, which is absent at the moment.