Bihar Elections 2020: Congress leader Shatrughan spoke on ABP's flagship summit E-Shikhar Sammelan ahead of Bihar polls. Shatrughan Sinha who is known for his bold statements spoke about Bihar CM Nitish Kumar and politics by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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On being asked about his earlier statements where he had appreciated the Bihar Chief Minister for his policies and decisions, Shatrughan Sinha said, "I believe In once a friend, always a friend, and Nitish Kumar is my friend but the question is not about personal relations but what the people of Bihar want. Now is the time to bring the change and establish a youth who can govern the state better."

'Bihar is my strength and also my weakness,' Shatrughan Sinha

''If Bihar is my strength, it is also my weakness and I can't remain silent on what is currently going on in Bihar. I appreciated Nitish Kumar when he did good for Bihar but if the captain is being lauded for good, it will be the captain who will receive criticism when the system will be flawed," Shatrughan Sinha.

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Asked about the time when people will compare 15 years of Nitish and 15 years of Lalu, Shatrughan Sinha said that the corrupt has already been punished so the question is on the one who is ruling now. So we need to ask the present govt about all the happenings and mishappenings.

Shatrughan Sinha also said that Nitish Kumar's aggressive nature seen in public rallies is disappointing and wasn't expected. But he is on the receiving side of criticism so we can consider it as human nature.

'Tejashwi is the new energy of Bihar'

Speaking about bringing a change in Bihar, Shatrughan Sinha said that Tejashwi is the new energy of Bihar and will change Bihar's picture, He has the power to motivate the youth and the crowd at his rally shows his influence on the people of Bihar and the support he has garnered for RJD and Congress.

Also Watch|Nitish Kumar is my friend but Bihar is looking for change: Shatrughan Sinha