New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Wednesday accused the BJP of trying to tarnish the image of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and announced that it will file a complaint with the Election Commission (ECI) against the saffron party for sharing "derogatory" posts on its social media handles. The party’s allegation comes a day after the poll body issued a show-cause notice to CM Kejriwal for allegedly using disparaging remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi on AAP’s social media handles. The ECI has asked him to respond by November 16.

AAP leader Raghav Chadha, addressing a press conference, said the party’s legal team will respond to the notice.

“The BJP is running a campaign on social media to tarnish the image of CM Arvind Kejriwal. On November 5, the BJP posted derogatory content on its X, Facebook, and Instagram handles to tarnish CM Kejriwal's image. The AAP also posted content in response to the content shared by the BJP on social media. However, the AAP received a notice from the Election Commission regarding this, but the BJP did not. We hope that after registering a complaint against the BJP, the Election Commission will take strict action,” news agency PTI quoted Chadha as saying.

Taking further potshots at the saffron party, the AAP leader said this is not the first time the BJP has “stooped” such low.

“This isn't the first time the BJP has stooped to such low levels in politics to tarnish the image of AAP leaders. The BJP always resorts to character assassination. The party haven't even spared the country's first PM Jawaharlal Nehru,” Chadha said.

He further added that AAP's national secretary Pankaj Gupta has sought time to submit a detailed complaint over the EC notice, PTI reported.