Mann on Thursday, posted a video of Parliament’s internal security positions and details on social media. Mann's action raised several eyebrows, as it could prove very hazardous keeping in mind the security concerns.
The Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan has taken cognizance of this act and could seek an explanation from the MP.
After this squabble, MP Mann seemed defiant and came forward to strongly defend his act on Thursday saying, “Is it illegal, inappropriate to post a video which shows procedure of how questions are taken up in Parliament during question hour. Did my video pose a security threat to Parliament? I will post a video again tomorrow; let me be served a notice’’.
Slamming his act BJP leader Meenakshi Lekhi said,’’It needs to be verified if it was act of foolishness or was done under influence of some agencies’’.
After much criticism, Bhagwat Mann has finally clarified his act by saying, "My only intention was to tell the procedure (during the zero hour). I have done nothing to risk the security of the Parliament”.
On December 13, 2001 the Indian Parliament was attacked by the perpetrators of Lashker-e-Taiba (Let) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorists. The attack led to the deaths of six Delhi Police personnel, two Parliament Security Service personnel and a gardener.