New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader Raghav Chadha met Bollywood actor Salman Khan and sharing a picture of the meeting on Twitter, he wrote, "A meeting with Salman Bhai."
Salman Khan is obviously one of the Bollywood leaders whom everyone loves. Users are constantly reacting to AAP leader Raghav Chadha's picture with Salman. This picture of the AAP leader with Khan has also received thousands of likes on the social media platform.
People have given several funny reactions on this picture of Raghav Chadha. One of the users asked, 'Raghav Chadha ji, in which line are you going, whether in the film line?' Another user wrote that 'most stylish politician and most stylish actor together.'
On Monday Raghav Chadha was awarded the title of 'Stylish Politician of the Year'.
One Twitter user wrote that 'one brother is the Dabangg of Bollywood and the other brother is the Dabangg of politics'. Not only that, some users even asked if the Aam Aadmi Party leader Raghav Chadha was going to take part in the reality show Bigg Boss.