Delhi Lieutenant Governor (LG) Vinai Kumar Saxena on Monday had refused to allow Delhi Government’s 'Dilli Ki Yogshala' program to continue after October 31st, as per sources a tweet from the official handle of Dilli Ki Yogshala.

"The 'Dilli ki Yogshala' classes have been discontinued from tomorrow i.e. 1.11.22 via a government order. In the BOG meeting of DPSRU decision to continue the classes was taken, however Hon. LG has not given permission yet. We will keep you informed upon further information," said a tweet from the official Twitter page of Dilli Ki Yogshala.

According to local administration sources, the LG has not approved the extension of the Dilli Ki Yogshala programme beyond October 31, news agency PTI reported. 

The AAP government established the programme last year to supply free yoga instructors to Delhi residents. Every day, almost 590 yoga lessons with over 17,000 beneficiaries were held across the national capital as part of the initiative.

However, sources at the LG's office claim that no file on the program's continuation has been received.

They stated that, "they had not received any file and that Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia had just sent a letter requesting that the programme be extended," news agency PTI reported.

"How can a letter be considered a proposal?" one of the sources inquired, PTI quoted him as saying. 

The board of governors of the Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU), which operates the programme, approved the scheme's continuation during a meeting last week.

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Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia had met Saxena on Friday and urged him to ensure that the AAP government's flagship scheme is allowed to continue. 

The Aam Aadmi Party had accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of "conspiring" to shut the Dilli ki Yogshala programme by putting pressure on officials, PTI reported. 

Following his discussion with the LG, Sisodia stated that the latter agreed to check into the relevant documents and nothing wrong would be allowed to happen.

Sisodia said in a Hindi tweet, tagging the post on the program's termination on Monday: "The board of the university wants that the yogshala should continue for the common people of Delhi, the government has also given the budget but still, an order has been issued to close the 'Yogshala of Delhi' by intimidating officers. For now, 590 yoga classes in Delhi's parks will be closed from tomorrow." Sisodia had sought an explanation from the principal secretary, training and technical education last week, alleging that she was trying to discontinue the scheme.

He further stated that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has approved the continuance of the initiative and had sent the file to the LG for clearance, PTI reported. 

(With Inputs From Agencies)