The Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) on Friday responded to Congress’s ‘9 Saal 9 Sawal (nine years, nine questions)’ jibe that the party posed as the Modi government completed its nine years. The BJP tweeted the nine big achievements of the Centre and said “9 Saal 9 Kamaal (nine years, nine reforms).”  Hitting out at the Congress, the saffron party listed out its nine steps to counter their questions. BJP compared the rule of the two parties on various grounds including inflation, corruption, agriculture etc. 

This comes after Jairam Ramesh, Congress General Secretary in-charge Communications, on Friday said, "On the completion of 9 years of the Modi Government, the Congress party wants to ask 9 questions to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We are also releasing a document for the same '9 saal 9 sawaal'." 

He added that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi raised these 9 questions continuously during and after Bharat Jodo Yatra but no answer was received. "Rahul Gandhi ji raised these 9 questions continuously during and after Bharat Jodo Yatra but till date no answer was received. Congress party is asking 9 questions to PM Modi today. We want PM Modi to break his silence on these questions," Jairam Ramesh said. 


Here Are BJP's 9 Big Claims On Its Governance 

  • BJP said that average inflation during the UPA regime was 8.7 per cent while during NDA, it is 4.8 percent. The party added that it created 6.76 crore jobs in the MSME sector between 2017-23 and lifted over 41 crore people from extreme poverty. Slamming Congress, the party said that Congress allotted coal mines to friends and relatives while NDA instituted a transparent auction. 


  • BJP said that over 11 crore farmers benefitted through PM-KISAN. It claimed that under Congress, the MSP payment for rice stood at Rs 3.09 lakh crore whereas under NDA, it is at Rs 10.64 lakh crore. It claimed that farmers' income increased by over 70 per cent (2016-2023 ) and doubled over the nine years. 


  • BJP said that LIC profits jumped 27 times in one year and SBI recorded its highest-ever quarterly profits. It said that NDA has the best record ever in bringing back frauds e.g Christian Michel. BJP added that the party and its allies have the best record in governance. Hence, they currently serve in 15 states while Congress is reduced to just four. 


  • Talking on the India-China issue, BJP mentioned that the only time China was able to occupy Indian land was under Nehru when India was defeated in 1962 or during the disastrous period of UPA. "NDA has looked China in the eye e.g. Doklam, Galwan. 18 meetings have been held because India isn't budging unlike the infamous statement made by AK Antony in 2013 in Parliament," it added. 


  • BJP said, “What can be a greater example of politics of hatred than whipping up sentiment against an Indian brand just to win one state election?” Congress and politics of hatred are synonyms, and hence Congress is wiped out from most parts of India, it added. 


  • On social justice, the saffron party said, “Congress opposed the constitutional status to OBC Commission. Congress disrespected the first tribal woman President of India.” BJP said that Congress opposed the Triple Talaq bill and is defaming a Congress worker who accused its top leader of harassment. 


  • The party further said that Congress threatened to impeach a CJI who refused to write judgment as per Congress lawyers' dictation. “Congress appointments to CVC were held null and void for blatant illegality,” BJP added.  It further said that Congress has imposed Article 356, 90 times and dismissed legitimate governments, adding “NDA has to end this monstrosity. Besides, daylight robbery of people's mandate will also not be allowed.” 

  • Next, talking about welfare schemes, BJP said that the PM Modi-led NDA govt is known for its leak-proof delivery of welfare schemes.  “From over 28 lakhs transferred through DBT to providing free food to over 80 crore people, there is no parallel to its record,” it said. 


  • Another achievement included the management of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country. Accusing Congress of spreading fear and fake news, BJP said that Congress not only dissed Indian vaccines and scientists but also became a lobbyist for international big pharma. "The world is praising India for the world's most successful management. From administering 2.2 billion doses of vaccines to one of the lowest mortality rates in the world and from managing the economy to emerge as the fastest-growing major economy in the world to delivering seamless tech-driven vaccination, India has set global benchmarks," the statement concluded. 

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