New Delhi: The Supreme Court collegium has recommended 68 names for appointment as judges in 12 high courts. The decision by the three-member collegium which is headed by CJI NV Ramana is being hailed as a record since it is the first time that the court has cleared so many names at one go.

The collegium that recommended the names also included U U Lalit and Justice A M Khanwilkar.

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According to a report by PTI in its meeting held on August 25 and September 1, the collegium had considered around 112 names for judges in high courts. The report says that 68 names once cleared by the centre will be appointed in high courts at Allahabad, Rajasthan, Calcutta, Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Madras, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab and Haryana, Kerala, Chhattisgarh and Assam.

"Among those 68 cleared for twelve high courts, 44 are from the Bar and 24 are from the judicial service," the collegium said in the report.

The names include Marli Vankun, who is a member of the Scheduled Tribe community and the first woman judicial officer from Mizoram.

The step comes after another collegium headed by the CJI had cleared 9 names at one go for the Supreme Court. The judges which included three women took oath on August 31. With the appointment, the working strength of the apex court has risen to 33 against the sanctioned strength of 34.