New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that his government has completed six months during which India has witnessed "phenomenal reform momentum." PM Modi took to social media saying, "From ending of Article 370 to economic reform, productive Parliament to decisive foreign policy, historic steps taken." He highlighted that his government has cleared Industrial Relations code, slashed corporate tax rates to 22 per cent; 15 per cent for new domestic manufacturing companies.
The Prime Minister also stated that the government has approval for strategic disinvestment of the government shareholding in five public sector enterprises along with management control. He points out that his government has announced mega bank mergers to improve the health of banking sector and also infused Rs 70,000 crore in the banks for 2019-2020.
For farmers, PM Modi stated that his government extended the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) to all farmers. "It was manifesto promise of the BJP that PM Kisan would be extended to all farmers of India," he said on social media platform.
He said that after forming the government, PM Kisan was extended to all farmers, taking total beneficiaries to 14.5 crore. "Under PM Kisan, farmers receive direct income support of Rs 6,000 per year," the Prime Minister added.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also took social media to stress that their government has taken significant steps in structural reforms of the country.
"Today, we mark the completion of six months of the second term of Prime Minister Narendra Modi government. Several significant steps in structural reforms have been taken in these months. Responses/interventions addressing the needs of the economy will continue," she tweeted.
6 Months Of Modi Govt 2.0: India Saw 'Phenomenal Reform' Momentum In First 180 Days, Says PM
Updated at:
30 Nov 2019 09:40 PM (IST)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted that his government has cleared Industrial Relations code, slashed corporate tax rates to 22 per cent; 15 per cent for new domestic manufacturing companies.
PM Modi said that historic steps taken during the first six months of his second term. (File Photo/ Getty)
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