Ghaziabad: Three alleged criminals and two police post in-charges have sustained bullet injuries in separate encounters in the last 24 hours under Loni Circle, officials said Sunday. Superintendent of Police, rural, Neeraj Kumar Jadaun said around 3.00 pm on Sunday Signature City Police of Tronica City, during routine checks, signalled a bike to stop near Soniya Vihar embankment.

The bike borne youths fired at the police party and sped away towards Tronica city, he said. After the police personnel chased them, the criminals again fired at them, the officer said. In self-defence the police returned fire. Both the alleged criminals -- Narendra, alias Yogi, and Satyendra, alias Sattey, natives of Gautam Budh Nagar -- sustained bullet injuries in their legs and Chowki in-charge Sub Inspector Rajendra Singh also received a bullet wound in his arm.

The injured were immediately rushed to the district government hospital for treatment, Jadaun said. Two dozen criminal cases were registered against the arrested in different police stations. Police have recovered one country-made pistols, two used and four live cartridges and a stolen motorcycle from them, he said. On Saturday evening, an alleged criminal sustained bullet injury when he was on the run after robbing a motorcycle rider at gun point.

Upon getting information, Loni Border Police chased him on Pipe Line Road. The accused and his accomplice fired twice at the police party in which Sangam Vihar Chowki in-charge of Loni Border Police Station area Ajay Pal sustained bullet shot injury in his hand.

The accused also sustained an injury in his leg. He has been identified as Gul Firaz of Nand Nagar Nolony of north east Delhi. His accomplice fled the spot. Thirty five cases were registered against Gul Firaz at Nand Nagari Police Station of Delhi. A country-made pistol, used and live cartridges have been seized, police said.