Three BJP MLAs were suspended for the remainder of the winter session and escorted out of the Jharkhand assembly on Tuesday for "creating disturbances" in the proceedings, news agency PTI reported. The other BJP legislators walked out in protest of the Speaker's move. After the House was postponed due to ruckus from both the opposition and the government benches, BJP head whip Biranchi Narayan and lawmaker Bhanu Pratap Sahi trooped into the well in support of their demands.

Speaker Rabindra Nath Mahto said that the MPs were disrupting the house procedures.

"I suspend Biranchi Narayan and Bhanu Pratap Sahi from the ongoing session," Mahto was quoted by PTI in its report.

JP Patel, another MLA, was also suspended.

Marshals hauled the legislators out of the House on his orders.

Amar Bauri, the Leader of the Opposition, called the Speaker's actions dictatorial.

"We were raising the issue concerning the state's youth. But, the government doesn't have any reply. BJP protested the suspension of legislators. We are staging a walkout," Bauri was quoted by PTI in its report.

Earlier protests by members resulted in a washout of the Assembly's question hour.

The BJP-led opposition and governing party members caused a commotion in the Assembly with their demands.

The House convened about 11 a.m. to conduct the day's work. The BJP demanded that the state's employment policy be clarified and that the topic be debated in the House.

The BJP MPs marched into the well, yelling anti-government chants.

Legislators from the ruling coalition also went there and sought a resolution criticising the speaker's suspension of 92 Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members.

In response, Opposition Leader Amar Bauri stated that when they addressed the subject of cash-haul linked to Congress MP Dhiraj Sahu, it was stated that the topic was unrelated to the State parliament.

"How the ruling party members can demand a resolution in this House condemning suspension of the MPs, while it was done by speakers in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. I think their proposal should be rejected," Bauri said.

According to Bauri, approximately 18,000 Panchayat secretariat employees and physically challenged adolescents are looking for work. "Employment is a sensitive issue and CM should give his statement on this in the House," he said.

In response to Bauri, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Alamgir Alam stated that the youth protest was the result of misconduct by the previous government.

"This government is sensitive and will find a solution for all the problems," Alam said.

According to Minister Mithilesh Thakur, the BJP is attempting to distract people's attention away from serious concerns.

The speaker repeatedly asked the opposition and members of Congress to return to their seats.

"Don't you want the question hour? Should I rename the question hour as Hangama hour," Mahto said.