A 22-year-old student committed himself in Pune on Thursday evening, ostensibly because he was afraid of not securing a job placement, according to authoritie, news agency PTI reported.

The deceased, named as Jordan Pugliese, was originally from Bengaluru and was a fourth-year design student at a prestigious metropolitan institution, they added.

On Thursday, security personnel stationed on campus discovered the student hanging in his hostel room.

According to the authorities, he had been under a lot of stress for the last several days and was anxious about not obtaining a job, which prompted him to commit himself.

The authorities did not indicate whether a suicide note was retrieved from the student.

The case is being investigated by the Loni Kalbhor police.

In a similar incident, earlier this month, a 23-year-old youth who got loan from a loan app and settled his loan sum killed himself reportedly after he was harassed and forced to pay more sum in Chennai. 

The 23-year-old youth identified as Narendran killed himself in his room, according to the police. 

According to MGR Nagar police, Narendran’s family said that the deceased was harassed by loan app operators even after he settled the loaned amount. The family said that he received Rs 33,000 from the loan app. Later, he paid the borrowed sum.

However, the police, as per IANS said, Narendran borrowed Rs 50,000 from his family and settled the loan app but even after this the operators asked him to pay Rs 33,000 more and threatened and abused him verbally.

The loan app operators also reportedly sent him abusive messages and forwarded messages to his friends and relatives stating that he did not repay the loan money. The loan sharks also reportedly sent obscene, morphed images to his family. 

In September, a couple identified as Colli Durga Rao and Lakshmi died by suicide due to harassment by loan apps to repay the sum. The couple reportedly took Rs 50,000 as loan from the apps. They also alleged that they would post morphed images of the couple on social media. 

(With Inputs From PTI)