Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday listed out dos and don’ts for the Odd-Even scheme, which is going to be implemented from November 4 to 15, saying while two-wheelers will be exempted from the scheme, the violators will have to pay Rs 4,000 fine, a hike of Rs 2,000 from the last one in 2016.
Speaking to the media, Kejriwal said he and his ministers would not be exempted from the scheme.
“Delhi Cabinet Ministers and the Chief Minister will have to follow the Odd-Even rules,” he said, adding that the Chief Ministers of other states and Union Territories are exempt from the scheme when in Delhi.
The Delhi government is doing the road-rationing in an effort to curb pollution.
“The Delhi government had decided to implement the Odd-Even scheme in November due to the pollution caused in the state from stubble burning in the neighbouring states. The scheme will be implemented from November 4-15 from 8 am to 8 pm,” Kejriwal said.
Odd-numbered vehicles will be allowed on odd dates and even-numbered vehicles will be allowed on even dates, on all days except Sundays, he added.
“The scheme will also be implemented on vehicles coming from other states. A fine of Rs 4,000 will be levied upon those caught violating the scheme.”
Listing out the exemptions, he said the vehicles which will be exempted from the Odd-Even rule will be: Vehicle of President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Governors of States/UTs, Chief Justice of India, Speaker of Lok Sabha.
He said vehicles of Union or Central government ministers and Leaders of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha will also be exempted along with vehicles of Chief Ministers of all the states/UTs except the Chief Minister of Delhi.
“Vehicles of Judges of Supreme Court of India, of Chairperson of Union Public Service Commission, of Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioner, and Vehicles of Comptroller and Auditor General of India will be exempted.”
The vehicles of Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, Chief Justice and Judges of Delhi High Court, Lokayukta and emergency Vehicles such as Ambulance, Fire Brigade, Hospital, Prison and Hearse Vehicles will also be exempted.
Enforcement vehicles will also be exempted such as vehicles of police, Delhi transport department vehicles, and vehicles so authorized by Delhi and paramilitary forces, among others.
"Vehicles bearing the Ministry of Defence number plates, having a pilot/escort, of SPG protectees, embassy vehicles bearing CD numbers, that being used for medical emergencies will be exempted from trust-basis," he added.
He also reminded that women only vehicles - including children of age up to 12 years and vehicles driven/occupied by handicapped persons will be exempted, along with vehicles carrying child/children in school uniform.
Delhi will have the third edition of Odd-Even between November 4 and 15.