New Delhi: In a shocking incident, an 18-year-old girl was found dead in the washroom of East Delhi 5-Star hotel on Friday morning.

The body of the girl who was lying unconscious in Mayur Vihar’s Holiday Inn hotel was found under mysterious circumstances.

The girl is a resident of Delhi and she check-in into the hotel’s room number 1137 on Thursday with her ‘boyfriend’ who is also a resident of Delhi.

As per boy’s claims, he left the room on Thursday night and thereafter tried calling the girl on Friday morning. After the girl didn’t take calls, he informed the hotel staff who got into the room using master key and found the girl in the bathroom.

Immediately after the incident, the cops were informed and the body was sent for post-mortem. No suspicious marks could be found on the girl’s body.

As per the girl’s family, she used to work in a beauty parlour and she informed the family that she was going for a friend’s birthday party.

The cops have arrested the boy.

The girl’s family is now seeking justice.